The Frontend Editor add-on for LearnPress empowers instructors to edit courses directly from the front end, eliminating the need to navigate to the WP Dashboard for course creation and editing.
Key Features:
- Create a dedicated page accessible to all instructors for frontend course management.
- Perform various actions, including course creation, editing, lesson creation, lesson editing, and course setting configuration, using the Frontend Editor add-on.
How Frontend Editor Add-on for LearnPress Works: Upon successful installation and activation of the Frontend Editor for LearnPress LMS, the following steps guide you through the process:
- Navigate to LearnPress settings to create the Frontend Editor Page where instructors can access and edit courses directly.
- In the WordPress Admin Dashboard, go to LearnPress > Settings > Frontend Editor.
- Create a new page by entering the page name in the Dashboard Page setting (e.g., “FrontendEditor-Page”). Save the settings to create the page.
Now, instructors can access the dedicated page from the top menu to manage courses directly from the front end.
Note: Settings to Avoid Conflicts: When installing Frontend Editor, disable the Debug Mode of LearnPress to prevent unintended conflicts.
Main Page Features: The main page displays course details, including the number of users enrolled, basic information, and a list of courses available for instructor management. Search and course filters are available for convenience.
Three Main Tabs in Course Editor:
- General Tab: Configure general settings such as title, description, feature image, and category for the course.
- Curriculum: Manage the course curriculum by adding, removing, or editing lessons and quizzes.
- Settings: Adjust basic course settings, including compatibility with other LearnPress add-ons.
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